Monday, December 29, 2008

Holiday Vacation

Ahhh the holidays... it means family, friends, lots and lots of food and most often a little vacation from your day to day activities. So I took a short break from the blogging to get some other stuff done and participate in the all around merriness.

For most businesses this time of year sees a slow down in activity. How do you spend your down time? Aside from doing holiday stuff I managed to update records and my portfolio. It's usually a good time to gear up for the new year's mailings and meetings. To get your calendar in order for the new year to hit the ground running.

I always get a flurry of calls starting the first full week in January so I advise some of you to wait a few weeks after the start of the new year to begin your 2009 marketing. I'm still a big advocate of in person meetings so if you're traveling in the new year whether it's for business or personal try to schedule and additional afternoon to meet with some folks.

LeBook and Workbook will be sending out their new 2009 additions that creatives, art buyers, etc peruse through. AdBase usually updates and rechecks contact information around this time of year. Make sure you are up to date with your contact info and start getting in touch with people.

Hit the ground running for 2009!
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