Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Your networks can be your most valuable resource with finding jobs and remaining active right now. Reach into your roladex and any back files and reach out to people.

Sometimes if one hasn't had a job for a little bit, things can get static and one can even get lazy. The best asset is having others to reach out to. Networking on the phone or face-to-face is incredibly valuable. Reach out to other artists, stylists, producers, and agency people (especially art buyers, photo editors, and creatives). You never know when someone might have a one-off project they're working on, a freelance gig they heard about or can even put you in touch with someone they know.

Don't be weary of getting in touch with people. Use any time you have to reach out and not to solely rely on e-promos and mail promos. Especially now, in the reality of the employment situation, people are relying more and more on each other for ideas, work, industry references, support, etc.
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